Effects of the Certificate

Certificate Socially Responsible Employer addresses social and environmental challenges by using the principles of sustainable development, such as transparency, integrity, interdependence, ethical governance and materiality, and offers companies and organizations measures that reduce negative and increase positive impacts on the economy, society and the environment.

Through measures and implemented activities, the effects of the certificate can be:

  • Greater job satisfaction and better organizational culture and climate, as employees can balance their private and professional lives at all stages of life.
  • A safer and healthier working environment: A safer and healthier working environment also means fewer accidents at work, less sick leave, less burden on the healthcare system, a lower level of disability and a general better well-being for everyone at all stages of life.
  • Greater work enthusiasm and productivity: Different groups of employees have the same opportunities for advancement due to easier reconciliation of work and private life. This enables companies to utilize the full potential of all employees, which leads to more creative, better quality work teams, and thus to a more competitive business environment.
  • Greater equality for all, including men and women, in workplaces and in society in general.
  • More options for flexible forms of work.
  • A greater number of individuals who decide to stay longer at their workplace
  • HR becomes a strategic role, and HR professionals can focus on exploiting the potential of all their employees, thus co-creating the company's business strategy.
  • Through better work life balance, the effects can be visible in better quality care for people who need it, especially older people, who will thus enjoy a more active and healthy ageing.
  • With a more optimal redistribution of caring responsibilities of parents of both sexes, a better quality of family life and thus their entire family (both immediate family members and the wider family/social network) is possible.
  • More environmentally friendly operations reduce the company's environmental footprint and follow the goals of sustainable development, which during the European green transition also brings an important strategic advantage.

Long-term impacts of the certificate are manifested in greater reputation, greater acceptance in the community (social license to operate), better risk management and greater competitive advantage.

Positive effects of certification:

  • Attraction of talent
  • Retention of talent
  • Building an employer brand
  • Increased reputation in general and business public
  • Greater employee satisfaction and engagement
  • Greater employee productivity
  • Increased motivation for work
  • Empowering employees and company management in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development
  • Increasing the share of intergenerational cooperation
  • Improved organizational climate or working environment
  • Reducing turnover
  • Reduction of sick leave
  • Better risk management
  • Increased competitiveness in public procurement
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