Razpisna dokumentacija za prijavitelje v 2023

Ekvilib Institute announces: A call for applications for the Socially Responsible Employer Certificate


The Socially Responsible Employer certification process is an audit, consultancy and analytical process that verifies and improves the socially responsible management of companies and organisations through a set of activities, with an emphasis on responsibility towards employees. The process is carried out with the help of qualified auditors.

The basis for implementation of the Socially Responsible Employer Certificate are the principles and essential contents of the ISO 26000 standard for social responsibility. The methodology of the certificate was developed by the Ekvilib Institute in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the Association of Employers of Slovenia, the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia and experts in the individual content areas of the certificate.

Dokumentacija razpisa za pridobitev pristopnega certifikata Družbeno odgovoren delodajalec v letu 2023 obsega:


Prijavitelji lahko vlogo za pridobitev pristopnega certifikata Družbeno odgovoren delodajalec oddajo od 1.2.2023 dalje. Prijavitelji se lahko prijavijo v enega ali več področij certifikata za področni certifikat, ali v vsa področja hkrati za krovni certifikat.

Razpis se za leto 2023 zaključi 31.12.2023. The documentation must be submitted on the forms attached to this call and must include all required attachments and information specified in this call.

The documentation must be submitted by regular mail or in electronic form. Documentation in printed form should be sent in a sealed envelope. The documentation must be sent to the address of the Ekvilib Institute: Dunajska cesta 159, SI-1000 Ljubljana.

Applicants can also submit the scanned documentation via email to the address certifikatdod@ekvilib.org. The receipt of the application will be confirmed by the certification holder with a response to the received message.


V postopek za pridobitev pristopnega certifikata Družbeno odgovoren delodajalec se v letu 2023 lahko prijavijo naslednji prijavitelji, ki izpolnjujejo naslednje pogoje:

  •  they are registered and based in the Republic of Slovenia,
  •  they have at least 5 (five) employees,
  •  they are not be in bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation proceedings, compulsory settlement proceedings, or dissolution.
  •  they comply with all applicable labor law regulations.

Ekvilib Institute may obtain proof of compliance with the conditions from official records, which will reflect the status as of the date of submission of the applicant's application.

Applicants must also attach the following to their application for the public call:

  • a filled in Introductory questionnaire;


The cost of obtaining the Socially Responsible Employer Accession Certificate for one area is between €4,600.00 and €7,800.00 excluding VAT. The cost of the umbrella certificate is between €7,600.00 and €10,800.00 excluding VAT. The cost depends on the size of the applicant.

The cost of obtaining the Socially Responsible Employer Accession Certificate includes:

  • the cost of the auditor to the extent specified by the Rules,
  • the final assessment of the audit committee,
  • coordination of the process
  • dissemination of the process/informing the public
  • professional evaluation and
  • accession certificate award ceremony

Strošek certificiranja vsakega dodatnega področja znaša 1.000,00 EUR brez DDV do pridobitve pristopnega certifikata.

All additional consulting days requested by the applicant are considered as additional consulting services and will be billed to the applicant separately.


Vse dodatne informacije in pojasnila glede javnega poziva in prijave lahko zainteresirani prijavitelji pridobijo na Ekvilib Inštitut, projektna pisarna – Medvedova 28, 1000 Ljubljana.

The contact persons are Gašper Zakrajšek, email: gasper@ekvilib.org and Petra Hartman, email: petra@ekvilib.org, and phone numbers 01/ 430 37 51 and 041 878 131.

Ljubljana, 1.2.2023

Ekvilib Inštitut
