About certificate Socially responsible employer

Take a look at our presentation, which describes the process of the Socially Responsible Employer certification, and our final publication, where you can find an in-depth discussion on the impacts and the certification process!

Certificate Socially Responsible Employer is a new certificate that is based on the guidelines of the international standard for social responsibility ISO 26000. Its purpose and goal is to improve socially responsible management in organizations and companies in Slovenia in relation to their employees. With this, Slovenia enters the era of strategic management of social responsibility.

The certificate does not only include a commitment to social responsibility at the highest management level in the organization or company but engages employees to actively participate in design and implementation of activities for the organization's socially responsible operations. Therefore, we are raising the level of awareness of social responsibility at all levels of management.

Through a set of concrete measures, the certificate offers employers opportunities for improvement in the field of balancing private and professional life, safety and health at the workplace, intergenerational cooperation and ethical management and non-discrimination at the workplace. Thus, working conditions are improved, flexible forms of work are introduced, positive organizational climate and work culture is established, thereby establishing an attractive work environment. This contributes to, among other things, the willingness of individuals to stay in their jobs longer, especially of those older than 45, which will enable an increase in active working population.

Improved employee satisfaction, more active employees, and greater willingness of individuals to stay in their jobs for longer translates to greater success of companies and an increase in the share of work active population in Slovenia. In this way, we influence fuller employment and more decent work for all generations and all vulnerable groups.

The objectives of the certificate Socially Responsible Employer are:

  • encouraging employers to act in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development
  • strengthening socially responsible management of companies and organizations,
  • improvement of working conditions by establishing flexible forms of work organization
  • raising the organizational climate and work culture and
  • improving attractiveness of work environment.

Process of certification

Obtaining a certificate is an audit and consulting-analytical procedure, which has the function of assessing and advising employers on which tools to use for better management in the field of employees, with an emphasis on four areas of the certificate:

  • Area 1 – Implementation of activities for social responsibility and sustainable development and integrated addressing of social responsibility, including strengthening the ethical values ​​of management and employees with an emphasis on non-discrimination in the workplace
  • Area 2 – Introduction of measures to reconcile work, family and private life throughout the life cycle of the individual
  • Area 3 – Implementation of activities to strengthen organizational culture with an emphasis on cooperation and communication with employees, development, training and knowledge transfer of employees, as well as intergenerational cooperation
  • Area 4 – Implementation of activities to raise awareness of employers (management of the organisation), employees and the general public about the importance of health in the workplace and to enhance the promotion of health-friendly improvements in the work and organisational environment
  • Area 5 – Implementation of measures for more environmentally friendly operations and sustainable and responsible use of natural resources.

Through the prescribed procedure, the organisation determines and implements the selected objectives and measures. Based on an analysis of the actual situation, with the help of an external auditor, the organisation decides on a plan for the implementation of measures aimed at improving the management of work processes and the quality of the work environment in the field of responsibility to employees.

The certification process is based on the organisation's gap analysis in the selected area. It helps organisations to understand and implement social responsibility in the area of employees in business. The nature of the gap is determined based on the analysis. The organisation obtains an entry certificate if it does not have large gaps, otherwise it is assigned mandatory measures to fill these gaps.

After a positive assessment of the implementation plan for the implementation of the selected measures and the final report of the auditor by the audit board, the organisation obtains the entry certificate "Socially responsible employer".

After obtaining the entry certificate, it is assessed annually whether the set measures have been implemented in accordance with the implementation plan. If the objectives have been achieved, the organisation obtains an advanced “Socially Responsible Employer” (DOD) certificate. Depending on the level of measures introduced, the advanced certificate is divided into three levels: level 1, level 2 and level 3.

The advanced certificate is obtained for three years and is renewed through annual condition assessments and audits.


Which organizations are eligible for certification?

Obtaining a Socially Responsible Employer certificate is intended for all companies and organizations that have more than 5 employees, regardless of their industry.

Contact persons, for further information:

  • Gašper Zakrajšek, +386 (0)1 430 37 51, gasper[at]ekvilib.org