Each field of certification is accompanied by a comprehensive Socially Responsible Company Action Catalogue, which provides employers with concrete tools to implement the principles of social responsibility in their business.
Each applicant must implement the core measures in all five areas of certification before obtaining the Accession Certificate:
a) Core measures in the area of Corporate governance
1. Management's commitment to social responsibility
2. Social responsibility reporting
b) Core measures in the area of Reconciliation of private and professional life
1. The possibility of adjusting the work process to accommodate the employee's caring responsibilities
2. Promoting and ensuring respect for the private life of employees
c) Core measures in the area of Organizational culture and HR development
1. Internal act on labour relations and cooperation with employees
2. Employee satisfaction measurement
d) Core measures in the area of Occupational health and safety
1. Employee participation in the formulation and the assessment of activities of the H&S policy
2. An operational and up-to-date workplace health promotion plan
e) Core measures in the area of Environment
1. Resource management system
2. Analysis of the organization's impacts on the environment
Catalogue of measures for Corporate governance consists of the following areas of activity:
- Area of activity 1: Governance
- Area of activity 2: Community involvement
- Area of activity 3: Employees
Catalogue of measures for Life-work balance consists of the following areas of activity:
- Area of activity 1: Working hours
- Area of activity 2: Organization of work
- Area of activity 3: Remote work
- Area of activity 4: Information and communication policy
- Area of activity 5: Leadership skills
- Area of activity 6: Personnel development
- Area of activity 7: Payment and reward structure
- Area of activity 8: Services for families
Catalogue of measures for Organisational culture and HR development consists of the following areas of activity:
- Area of activity 1: Employment and promotion
- Area of activity 2: Remuneration
- Area of activity 3: Education, retention and development of knowledge
- Area of activity 4: Connecting and involving employees
- Area of activity 5: Information and communication
Catalogue of measures for Occupational health and safety consists of the following areas of activity:
- Area of activity 1 : Ergonomically designed workplace and working environment
- Area of activity 2 : Cooperation with workers' representatives
- Area of activity 3 : Safe handling of hazardous substances
- Area of activity 4 : Psychosocial aspects of health and work
- Area of activity 5 : Protective equipment and workwear
- Area of activity 6 : Adapting work to employees' working capacities
- Area of activity 7 : Health promotion
- Area of activity 8 : Employee healthcare security
Catalogue of measures for Environment consists of the following areas of activity:
- Area of activity 1 : Environmental protection
- Area of activity 2 : Energy consumption and climate change
- Area of activity 3 : Waste reduction and circular economy